Liske Business vs Happy Feet with Liske Business winning
Liske Business: Steve Liske, Yvonne Perceval, Traci Holcomb, Steve Sagi
Happy Feet: Ernie Argetsinger, Karen Fairley, Ron Fairley, Katherine Phillips-Hamblett
Warlocks In The House vs Bull Sheet with Warlocks In The House winning.
Warlocks In The House: Kevin Rutherford, Josh Engle, Art Placek, Bruce Irvin
Bull Sheet: Ryan Montang, Randy Boyd, Keaton Vallance, Auston Standard
Dante’s Dwellers vs Iwanick with Dante’s Dwellers winning.
Dante’s Dwellers: Steve Shuttleworth, Dave Milne, Kim Smoltz, Diane Keleher
Iwanick: Arnie Iwanick, Rhiannon Avery, Janie Berg, Thomas Poon